添加时间:中交建 (01800) 5.07 +1.81中建筑 (03311) 6.17 +3.70广骏 (08516) 4.39 -2.23-----------------------------------
同时,警方还捣毁生产加工窝点两处,查获一批制假设备和原材料及包装证书。该案也是杭州首起制造假币的“产、供、销”全链条案件,同时也是收缴假冒贵金属纪念币数量最大的案件。纪念币成“爆款” 嫌疑人为暴利铤而走险新中国成立70周年金银纪念币一经推出,立即成为“爆款”。该团伙制作一套假的70周年纪念币成本只要几元钱,但一出手就可以谋取成百上千倍的暴利。为谋取暴利,犯罪嫌疑人姜某、陈某等人决定铤而走险。
Developments in banking are often good indicators of upcoming trends in the insurance industry. One trend that accelerated in the banking space in 2019 was Banking-as-a-Service (BaaS), which saw neobanks and incumbents — including BBVA and Starling — open up their APIs to let third parties build banking solutions using their licensing and underlying infrastructure. And as a number of full-stack insurtechs, which have their own insurance licenses and own the whole value chain, encroach on incumbent insurers‘ turf — much like neobanks are doing in the banking space — we expect to see a few insurers turn this threat into an opportunity by allowing both incumbents and startups to leverage their technology and licensing to replace legacy IT or build innovative business-to- customer solutions.